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Gelato strain flowering
cannabis leaves
hand holding a cannabis bud
large indoor grow greenhouse

Cannabis Education, News & Grow Guides for ACT Residents

Welcome to Cannabis Growing Australia.   Your source for Marijuana education & detailed growing info for Aussies living in the ACT or that have a medicinal license. 

Cannabis laws are changing rapidly in Australia.   As at June 2021, cultivation and posession of up to 50 grams of cannabis is legal in ACT, and it is ‘decriminalized’ in South Australia and Northern Territory. 

In other states, minor possession or cultivation is still illegal with the penalty for posession of small quantities ranging from fines to criminal offences depending on past criminal history.

Australia is still a ways behind other western countries.   For example it’s 100% legal in Canada and in 36 US states  As the taboo is relinquished globally, marijuana legalization laws in Australia can be difficult to follow.   That is why we’ve developed a comprehensive guide to Australian laws

Cannabis has been proven to have many medicinal, economical & societal benefits.  Just like alcohol, tobacco and prescription drug use, education is essential to ensure moderate and responsible use across Australia.

Here at Cannabis Growing, we do not condone or endorse any illegal activity.   We simply are passionate about providing marijuana news, education and growing information for those living in the ACT or with a medicinal license. 

We cannot sell seeds, but we have developed a comprehensive guide on how to buy cannabis seeds in Australia for collectable purposes only.   

Latest Cannabis News

How tall can Cannabis plants get?

Cannabis plants can vary widely in height, from towering giants to compact and petite varieties. While genetics play a significant role, several other factors influence the ultimate size of your

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Cannabis vs Alcohol

Cannabis and alcohol are two substances that elicit strong and differing opinions. Both have experienced periods of complete prohibition, have the power to alter our thoughts and emotions, and have

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Cannabinoids vs Terpenes

The cannabis plant contains a diverse array of organic compounds, including terpenes and cannabinoids. Though these compounds can interact and enhance each other’s effects, they possess distinct differences. About the

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Germinating Old Cannabis Seeds

While young cannabis seeds usually germinate within 2–3 days under optimal conditions, older seeds can be more challenging to activate. If you’re dealing with aged seeds or trying to revive

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Cannabis History

The History and Early Uses of Cannabis Cannabis has been valued for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. Its use can be traced back to 2800 BC, when it

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Top 10: Kush Strains

Kush is to cannabis what Cabernet is to wine. Hailing from the Hindu Kush mountains in Central Asia, Kush varieties trace their roots back to ancient landrace strains from Pakistan,

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Auto Flower vs Feminised Cannabis Plants

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned cannabis cultivator, the debate between autoflowering and feminized seeds is a topic that you’ve likely encountered more than once. Selecting between auto-flowering

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Cannabis Growing main logo

Our deep love of plants and fascination with Cannabis has enabled over 25 years of successful small scale Marijuana cultivation from indoor hydroponics, greenhouses and outdoor growing set-ups.

As Cannabis laws around the world change, *we support the movement toward freedom of choice for responsible, consenting adults who wish to experience the joy and wonder of growing a Cannabis plant.

*All info is for entertainment purposes only.  We do not condone illegal growing of Cannabis.   Consult your state laws accordingly.