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Purple Haze

40% Indica – 60% Sativa | THC 14-19%  | Purple Haze delivers a euphoric high that sparks creativity and leaves you floating in bliss. When you smoke it, expect a dreamy mix of sweet and earthy flavors like berry, lavender, and grape, perfect for reminiscing about psychedelic escapades.

Originating from Thailand, Purple Haze’s parent strains, Purple Thai and Haze, have spread their wings worldwide. While some believe the strain was named after Hendrix’s song, others think the tune was inspired by the strain’s vibrant buds. Either way, Purple Haze is a ’60s icon, beloved for its mind-expanding effects and creative boost.


Is it legal to buy Cannabis seeds in Australia?

  • Cannabis seeds do not contain any illegal properties on their own and can be purchased for collectable/souvenir purposes only in Australia.   If you live in the ACT or have a medicinal license, these laws may not apply to you.   Learn more about current Australian legalization laws.

How can I buy Cannabis seeds in Australia?

  • SeedsPlease are an Aussie based seed bank and depending on the time of year, may have Purple Haze Cannabis Seeds available for souvenir / collectable purposes only.   They have heaps of positive reviews, but note that they will not support germination….

small leaves on marijuana plant before flowering
weed plants growing in industrial greenhouse

Purple Haze Feminized Cannabis Growing Information

Meet Purple Haze, the rockstar of cannabis, named after Jimi Hendrix’s legendary 1967 hit. This groovy strain gets its name from the purple specks in its buds, making it as visually stunning as it is potent. With a 60% sativa and 40% indica blend, it’s the energetic lovechild of Purple Thai and Haze strains.

Packing a THC punch of 14-19%, Purple Haze delivers a euphoric high that sparks creativity and leaves you floating in bliss. When you smoke it, expect a dreamy mix of sweet and earthy flavors like berry, lavender, and grape, perfect for reminiscing about psychedelic escapades.

Originating from Thailand, Purple Haze’s parent strains, Purple Thai and Haze, have spread their wings worldwide. While some believe the strain was named after Hendrix’s song, others think the tune was inspired by the strain’s vibrant buds. Either way, Purple Haze is a ’60s icon, beloved for its mind-expanding effects and creative boost.

Make sure your plant receives maximum sunlight and a high EC of 2.0 – 3.0 for best results.   During the bloom phase we recommend the Nutrifield Organic Bud Burst product for insane results!   Simply add Bud Burst as an organic supplement to your existing nutrient regime from week 4-5 on for next level bud formation with a super clean, premium quality organic finish.   Highly recommended!

Strain Specifications

  • Type: 40% Indica 60% Sativa 
  • THC Level: High (14 – 19%)
  • CBD Level: 0.55%-1%
  • Effects: Creative, energetic, talkative
  • Used for: Mind awakening & creativity.
  • Flavors: Hash, Sweet 
  • Dominant Terpene: Myrcene, Limonene, Humulene 

Growing Info

Growing Purple Haze is a breeze, thriving both indoors and outdoors, especially in warm and sunny climates. If you have a sunny garden with quality soil, expect a bountiful harvest from your Purple Haze plants.

This sativa-dominant strain typically reaches a medium height. When grown indoors, you can expect around 19 ounces per square meter, while outdoor plants yield about 14 ounces each. The only catch is that Purple Haze requires some maintenance, but the impressive yield makes it totally worthwhile.


  • Thanks to her superb, genetic background, she is easy and hassle-free to grow and watch flourish under a range of conditions. In fact, it’s perfect for most Australian climates during the summer months.  Grow it outdoors for massive yields!
  • If grown indoors make sure it receives lots of light and air flow for best results. 


  • All Cannabis strains, require a full spectrum nutrient complete with the macro nutrients such as Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium and the secondary nutrients and micronutrients like, calcium, sulphur, hydrogen, magnesium, manganese, carbon, iron, zinc etc.
  • Cannabis are big feeders!  Make sure it has all the nutrients it needs, particularly in the flowering stage, to help the buds become dense. Using soil is slightly more forgiving if you overdo it with the nutrients. If you are using a good quality soil, it will have a lot of nutrients in there already, so there is no need to add any during the seedling stage.
  • During the vegetative phase you will need to give your plant twice as much nitrogen as phosphorus, and three times more nitrogen than potassium. The nutrient ratios to look for on the bottle will be either 6-3-2 or 18-9-6. You should also add in some sulphur, magnesium, and calcium.  
  • During the flowering stage, change the ratio so you are using up to three times more phosphorus than nitrogen and potassium. Also continue to add in secondary nutrients such as iron, copper, and manganese.  Make sure to use orgnanic Bud Burst during flowering all the way as this will ensure a smooth finish with no chemical taste.   Amazing stuff!
  • For organic grows, we recommend Aptus Baseboost organic nutrient   with coco/perlite 70/30 ratio.   This stuff is highly concentrated so a little goes a long way making it great value.     Simply add the pellets to the coco as per the instructions and it will completely transform any inert growing medium into a powerful full spectrum grow media..   

Growing Tips

  • Your Purple Haze strain will need consistent air flow and good ventilation, whether you are choosing the perfect spot for an outdoor grow, or are growing in an indoor grow room. They need air that is rich in oxygen, to help prevent respiration, deter any pests, and allow your plant to grow healthy and strong. Use fans to help circulate air, or if you can afford it, exhaust systems are an excellent choice.

Why buy ‘Feminized’ Seeds

  • Marijuana plants are either male or female.   The male flower produces sacs or pollen designed to fertilize the female flower which produces white pistols designed to absorb the pollen.   If no male plants are present in the growing area, than the female plant will just grow larger and larger flowers in search of pollen.   These flowers are the cannabis buds that we all know and love.   The male plants hold only minuscule amount of THC, while the female flowers are oozing with THC crystals (the good stuff).   For this reason, marijuana growers are seeking only female plants in the grow room (unless they want alot of seedy buds).Feminsed seeds have been cultivated in a precise way so that the seed is genetically more likely to produce a female plant.   Autoflower seeds automatically transition from the vegetative phase to the flowering stage without you needing to adjust their light exposure.   Fore more detailed growing information, see our in depth grow guide.