Although the use of cannabis for medical reasons has been around for several years in Australia, how hard is it to get your hands on medicinal cannabis? This article looks at the laws within each Australian state.
New Study Discovers Cannabis Linked with More Exercise
If you always thought cannabis users were rather lazy, ‘stoner’ types, you may be proved wrong in this new study, showing a potential relationship between cannabis use and increased exercise.
Pain Experts Question the Effectiveness of Medical Cannabis
Listen to this audio clip of pain experts discussing whether medical cannabis is really that effective. A study published in the Australian Medical Journal found it is no more effective than a placebo for those who have who acute lower back pain.
ECS Botanics First Shipment of Medical Cannabis has been Dispatched
ECS Botanics has just dispatched its first commercial shipment of medicinal cannabis from their large medicinal cannabis facility in north-western Victoria. The shipment will supply both locals and overseas consumers.
A Leading Medicinal Cannabis Company is Moving to Byron
The Australian Natural Therapeutics Group (ANTG) already has their medicinal cannabis crop growing close to Byron Bay, near Armidale. Now they are looking to move its headquarters to the popular beach town.
Biggest Australian Cannabis Farm to be Built in Toowoomba, QLD
The generally conservative area of Toowoomba will now be the proposed place for two medical cannabis companies to build a huge cannabis farm. The farm will hope to produce 500 tonnes of medicinal cannabis each year.
Farm in Queensland Will Produce Over 500,000 kgs of Medical Cannabis Each Year
Australian Natural Therapeutics Group (ANTG), an Aussie cannabis company has collaborated with a Canadian company to produce a staggering $400 million medical cannabis farm, set to generate 1000 new jobs.
ECS Botanics Has Submitted Plans to Expand Cannabis Farm in Tasmania
ECS Botanics (ASX: ECS) has plans to expand its medicinal cannabis farm in Tasmania, from 2,500sqm to 320,000sqm. This would end up being one of Australia’s biggest cannabis farms and would enable revenues from worldwide.
Cannabis Study Raises Questions About Current Drug-Driving Laws
New research from the Lambert Initiative has discovered a ‘window of impairment’ of 3 to 10 hours from using cannabis, caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the drug. These findings could have implications on drug-driving laws.
How Long Does Cannabis Take to Leave Your System? New Study Has Answers
The research, published in Neuroscience & Behavioural Reviews, has examined 80 scientific studies, performed over the past 20 years, on how THC (the psychoactive part of cannabis) effects your driving performance.
Is Psychosis Caused by Using Cannabis?
Does smoking cannabis make you psychotic? This article looks at a person’s genes, how old they are, how much THC is being ingested and what it is you are smoking. These factors could determine the risks.
Medical Cannabis Prescriptions in Australia At an All Time High
Australia’s special access scheme provides medicinal cannabis to patients across the country. Over 100,000 prescriptions have been given out since the program started back in 2016, and the demand for medication just keeps growing.
First Medicinal Cannabis Shipment Sent to Germany from MediPharm Labs
The company MediPharm Labs has sent its first shipment of medical cannabis to Germany, from their facility in Wonthaggi, Victoria. The shipment contained capsules with cannabis oil inside.
Australian Cannabis Company Exports Huge Shipment to Germany
A cannabis company based in the town of Wonthaggi, in Victoria, has shipped its largest ever shipment of cannabis to Germany. The medications will help to treat patients suffering from cancer related symptoms, and chronic pain.
Leafcann Expands by Reaching into The Medical Cannabis Sector
LeafCann is a botanical extracts company, who has recently opened a new warehouse in South Australia. The warehouse will house medical cannabis products and be as a distribution hub for overseas products.
Little Green Pharma Company Has Unveiled Its First Dried Flower Cannabis Medicine
Cannabis flower medicines are turning out to be popular with Australian doctors, due to its fast pain controlling abilities. The new flower range from Little Green Pharma is a Schedule 8 medicine, which will be prescribed by a doctor.
Medicinal Cannabis Supply Worries Mean Nightmare for Patients
As the demands for medicinal cannabis medications in Australia rise, patients are worried they will not be able to get enough medication to treat their ailments, with some having to ration their does to get by.
Athletes in Hong Kong and Japan to receive Cannabis Gel from Australian Company
Australian cannabis company Cronos (ASX: CAU) will be set to start stacking Asian shelves with a pure cannabidiol (CBD) heat and cooling gel for elite athletes to help with recovery. The gels for Australian’s, however, may take some time.
A Study in Germany Says Rules for Cannabinoids Need to be Clearer
A German study which has researched how cannabis is used for treatment in a medical setting has advised that rules and clear guidelines need to be set out, to create a legal framework that fully states the facts.
One of the First Professor of Cannabis Research Has New Plans
Prof. Raphael Mechoulam was the first scientist to isolate and synthesize the active psychoactive components in cannabis. Today, he has more plans to develop medical cannabis treatments using cannabis acids.
The Benefits of Treating Chronic Pain with Cannabis
Dr Andrew Agius, Medical Director at the Pain Clinic, speaks about the benefits of using cannabis to treat chronic pain, and the areas where additional research on the matter needs to be performed.
New Study of Medical Cannabis Has Made A New Discovery
Researchers from the Department of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences have found new information related to the medicinal use of cannabis for certain medical treatments, which could prove essential.
CSIRO to Expand Into the USD$44 Billion Medical Cannabis Market
Taking advantage of the huge, and ever-growing cannabis medical market, CSIRO is looking to partner with local manufacturers to produce medical cannabis products, such as tablets and cough lollies.
GPs in Tasmania Will Be Able to Prescribe Medical Cannabis from July
Tasmanian GP’s will be able to approve patients for medicinal cannabis prescriptions from July 2021. However, access to these drugs may still be a longer and hard process, leaving patients waiting.
Face to Face Clinic to Open in Victoria from Epsilon Healthcare
Epsilon Healthcare’s (EPN) Telehealth medical cannabis clinic group Tetra Health has opened its first physical clinic in Victoria, Australia. Tetra will be the preferred medical cannabis supplier and partner for in-house consultations.
CSIRO Partners with Local Manufacturers to Develop New Medicinal Cannabis Products
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has been granted a licence to partner with local manufacturers to make medical cannabis products. The partnership is said to produce more jobs for Australians.
A Cannabis Plot in WA is Set to be Biggest in South Hemisphere
A huge plot of over 45 Hectares, more than 800 kilometres north of Perth, in the Gascoyne region, has been approved to be one of the largest in the Southern Hemisphere and is deemed for success.
Australia Could be a Leader in Medical Cannabis After $92m Deal with the European Union
A 10-year deal reached between the Australian Natural Therapeutics Group (ANTG) and the EU could mean that Australia is set to be a leader in the medical cannabis industry, after a major shipment to the European Union.
Should Western Australia Ease Restrictions on Medical Cannabis Regulations?
There is a debate in Western Australia over whether it should ease the rules surrounding the use of THC in medical cannabis prescriptions, which would fall in line with the rest of Australia’s states.
Study Finds Cannabis Could Help with Chronic Pain by Up To 30%
A research study by Applied Cannabis Research has found that using cannabis as a medical treatment, could help with patients suffering from chronic pain. This could help the 1 in 5 Australians who currently cope with long-term pain.