Although the use of cannabis for medical reasons has been around for several years in Australia, how hard is it to get your hands on medicinal cannabis? This article looks at the laws within each Australian state.
Reports, Findings, and Information on Cannabis from the Australian Government
This article from the Australian government site, explains the use of cannabis within the country, the trends of cannabis use, the drug’s effects, harms, treatment types, and the availability of medicinal cannabis medications.
Is Australia Likely to Legalise Recreational Cannabis Any Time Soon?
At the moment the Australian government is not giving any clear indications as to whether Australia will legalise recreational cannabis. It is already legal in the ACT in small doses and attitudes are gradually changing.
Australian $2 billion Stocks in the Cannabis Sector is Increasing
Australian cannabis company Little Green Pharma is noticing a huge rise in people requesting medicinal cannabis medications. Investors have high hopes for shares as the demand for medical cannabis products keeps increasing.
$1.5 Billion Dollars Could be Made from Australian Cannabis Industry
A report, issued by FreshLeaf Analytics predicts the Australian cannabis industry will double by the end of next year. However if the industry is to generate more profits, it will need to make medical cannabis medications more accessible.
Australian Cannabis Company Exports Huge Shipment to Germany
A cannabis company based in the town of Wonthaggi, in Victoria, has shipped its largest ever shipment of cannabis to Germany. The medications will help to treat patients suffering from cancer related symptoms, and chronic pain.
A Guide to Cannabis Laws in Each Australian State
Whilst cannabis is still illegal at the federal level in Australia, some states have decriminalised its use, and one has legalised it for personal use. With so many different laws it can get confusing! This helpful guide explains.
Bod Australia Company Doing Well in the Cannabis Industry
Bod Australia (ASX: BDA) have partnered with H&H and have now released numerous medicinal hemp and cannabis products across global the market. This article looks at some of their products and the growing positive outlook.
If Drug Policies Not Working in Australia, What Are the Alternatives?
As we have seen from cannabis being legalised in some countries, making a drug legal, does not necessarily mean more people will start using it. If the current policies are not working, what else can Australia do?
CSIRO Partners with Local Manufacturers to Develop New Medicinal Cannabis Products
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has been granted a licence to partner with local manufacturers to make medical cannabis products. The partnership is said to produce more jobs for Australians.
CBD Oil Available in Australia Without Prescription
Low dose cannabidiol (CBD) is now being sold in some pharmacies across Australia and without needing a prescription. This article explains what CBD is and how to get your hands on it within Australia.
Australia Could be a Leader in Medical Cannabis After $92m Deal with the European Union
A 10-year deal reached between the Australian Natural Therapeutics Group (ANTG) and the EU could mean that Australia is set to be a leader in the medical cannabis industry, after a major shipment to the European Union.
2021 Will Mean Over the Counter Cannabis in Pharmacies
From early 2021 you could be allowed to buy low-dose cannabis oil (CBD oil) from pharmacies around Australia, without a prescription. However, there may be a wait for approved products.
Australian Study Find That Medicinal Cannabis is Safe for Road Users
An Australia-led study has found that using cannabidiol (CBD) is safe for drivers and does not impair driving ability. Lead author of the Journal of the American Medical Association says this is good news for CBD-based products.
Leader of Pro-Marijuana Party Says Legal Cannabis May Create Over 100,000 Jobs
According to Michael Balderstone of a pro-marijuana political party says hundreds of thousands of jobs could be created if Australia legalises cannabis. If the drug is legalised in Australia, it could generate tax revenues over $2 billion every year.
Cannabis Study to be the Biggest in Australian History
The Cannabinoid Medicine Observational Study (CMOS) intends to collect data from 20,000 patients across the country. The study will observe how patients with a variety of illness and conditions react to medicinal cannabis.
Cannabis for Medicinal Use Could Be Available in Australian Pharmacies Next Year
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) could make cannabidiol (CBD) medicine available from next year, without needing a prescription. This medication would benefit around 2.4 million people.
Majority of Australians Support Legalising Cannabis Study Finds
The National Drug Strategy Household Survey is held every three years and past data has shown that Aussies are generally not in favour in legalising cannabis. However, this is the first year that the results have favoured legalising the drug.
Here Are the Best Cannabis Companies Within Australia
As the use of medicinal cannabis is growing, not only in Australia, but worldwide, this article lists the top 20 cannabis companies within Australia, and notes what their market capitalisation is estimated at.
Army Veteran Recalls His Experience of PTSD And Calls for Easier Access to Medical Cannabis
Ex drug cop Max Hill, father of David, describes how he helped his son through post-traumatic stress disorder and even turned to the black market to help his son find the medical cannabis he needed. David also describes his experience.
Legal Cannabis Market in Australia Estimated to Reach $1.5 billion by 2025
According to new research by Prohibition Partners, the growing legalisation in Australia is likely to lead the market to being the largest legal cannabis market in the Oceania area. Figures are expected to reach $1.5 billion by 2025.
People Forced to Turn to the Black Market in Order to Get Medical Cannabis
Patients speak about how the Federal Government regulates medicinal cannabis has made it excessively expensive, costing some up to $600 a month. Patients are finding other ways to get their hands on the drug, including the black market.
Patients of Medicinal Cannabis are Risking Driving Under the Influence
The standard medical advice for using medicinal cannabis it to wait five days before driving, but some patients are deciding to drive under the influence illegally and take the risk of punishment.
Olivia Newton-John on the Benefits of Using Medicinal Cannabis
Olivia Newton-John talks about her journey with cancer, her traumatising symptoms and how medicinal cannabis enhanced her quality of life.
A Cannabis Sceptic Now Advocating for Medical Cannabis
Read how a 55-year-old man, who was strictly against using cannabis for recreational use, and was unsure about its medicinal properties, is now advocating for medical cannabis to be used as a chronic pain treatment.
Australian Medical Cannabis Clinics Treating Patients Across the Country
More and more Australian clinics are opening up across the country, with doctors prescribing patients with medical cannabis. These new medicines are helping people with debilitating illnesses and chronic pain.
After Conventional Methods Did Not Work, Veteran Turns to Medical Cannabis to Fight PTSD
The Australian Defence Force reports about 8.3% of members have experienced PTSD in the past 12 months. Veteran Brad Schafer turn to medicinal cannabis after crippling side effects from other treatments.
Legal Cannabis is Big Business and Could Generate $1 Billion Tax Revenue
Investment strategist Mark Bernberg says Australia is throwing away billions of dollars of possible tax revenue from cannabis being legalised, and questions why it is not being tackled on the election campaign.
What Conditions Does Medical Cannabis Treat and Is There Enough Research?
There is believed to be around 100,000 Australians self-medicating with cannabis which has been obtained illegally. With so many Australian’s turning to medical cannabis, what research is there to back up the benefits?
Cannabis Laws in the US Spark Debates About Australian Policies
As more US states are legalising the recreational use of cannabis, questions are being raised whether Australia should follow suit. Debates are being had about the dangers of cannabis and how legalising the drug could prove beneficial.