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Exploring How Cannabis and Psilocybin Could Benefit the 50 Million Americans Living with Chronic Pain Leave a comment

In late April 2024, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration revealed plans to relax federal regulations on cannabis by reclassifying it from Schedule I to Schedule III. This change aligns cannabis with medications like Tylenol with codeine, testosterone, and other anabolic steroids, marking a significant recognition of cannabis’s potential medicinal benefits.


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About the Author

Our deep love of plants and fascination with Cannabis has enabled over 25 years of successful small-scale Marijuana cultivation from indoor hydroponics, greenhouses, and outdoor growing set-ups.

As Cannabis laws around the world change, *we support the movement toward freedom of choice for responsible, consenting adults who wish to experience the joy and wonder of growing a Cannabis plant.

*All info is for entertainment purposes only.  We do not condone illegal growing of Cannabis.   Consult your state laws accordingly. 

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