For those looking for a vegan and dairy-free oil, or as an alternative to cannabutter (cannabis infused butter), then you should try this super easy cannabis-infused coconut oil. With only two ingredients you can whip up a batch of cannabis coconut oil in no time.
The great thing about this oil is that it can be used for both food and beauty recipes as coconut oil does wonders for the skin! Use as a massage oil for relaxation or throw in a stir fry for that something extra.
When used in food, cannabis edibles are known to last much longer than if you smoke or vape it, so you can feel the full effects for longer, and use as much as you want to. A smaller dose may go a longer way when used as an edible, so you will be saving a bit too- win-win!
Coconut oil is quite a fatty oil with a high amount of saturated fat, which is great when combined with the THC in cannabis. When cannabis is consumed within a food that is very fatty, the effects can be felt much stronger.
How much cannabis should I use in the coconut oil?
When following the recipe, keep in mind the THC percentage of the cannabis flowers you are using, as some strains will have a much higher dose. If you are trying to make cannabis coconut oil for the first time, then always start slowly, and test how it makes you feel, before upping the dose if needed.
To calculate the dose, remember that 1 gram weighs 1000 milligrams. As an example, if you know that the cannabis flowers/strain has 20% THC content, then that equates to 200mg of THC per gram. Keep in mind you might loose 20-30% or so during the decarboxylation process.
Have an idea of what milligram dose you want for each of your edibles, and from there you can work out how many grams of cannabis flowers you will need. Always start small, like 10mg per edible, and work your way up to your desired dose.

Decarboxylation of the cannabis flower
To activate the THC or CBD in the cannabis flower, it first needs to go through a process called decarboxylation (otherwise known as decarbing). Using the cannabis flowers without decarbing beforehand will not have the same effect.
Decarboxylation is fairly straightforward and can be achieved by putting the cannabis flowers on a baking sheet in the oven (process explained in instructions).
- Pre heat oven to 115 Celsius. First is the decarboxylation of the cannabis flowers. To do this weigh out your desired dose of cannabis flowers, break them up into small pieces and place on baking paper over a baking tray.
- Cover with foil to keep in the flavour of the flowers and bake for around 45 minutes.
- Remove from oven and allow to sit, with the foil still on top, until it reaches room temperature.
- Whilst the flowers are cooling, fill a slow cooker or cooking pot with room temperature water.
- In a mason jar, gently mix together the coconut oil and cannabis flowers and then tighten the lid.
- Turn the heat on the slow cooker on low and place the mason jar in the water, so it is fully covered.
- Put the lid on the slow cooker and let the mason jar simmer and infuse for around 4 hours.
- Remove the jar from water and allow to cool.
- When cool enough to handle, open the jar and place a filter over the top (like a coffee filter or cheesecloth). Strain out the oil from the plant into a new jar. The leftover cannabis flowers can be saved for other edible recipes.
- Store in an air-tight jar. Stored in a cool dark place, the cannabis oil can last for around 2-3 months, or even up to 3 years when stored on the fridge.