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Health Effects of Consuming Cannabis Leave a comment

Cannabis, also known as marijuana and various other names, is the most commonly used illicit drug among adults and adolescents. Illicit drugs are substances that stimulate or inhibit the central nervous system or induce hallucinogenic effects. The psychoactive effects of cannabis are attributed to a component called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Recent global trends in legalization have resulted in increased usage of cannabis for both medical and recreational purposes, leading to a rise in the production of cannabis-based products. THC edibles, in particular, have gained popularity but also require caution, as the oral route of administration can produce potent reactions.

Potential Risks of THC Edibles

Although cannabis edibles are often considered a safer option for experiencing the intoxicating effects of cannabis, there has been limited research on the differences in subjective effects and safety between ingesting cannabis and other methods of administration. One notable distinction is the delayed onset of effects when consuming cannabis compared to smoking it, as well as a longer duration of effects.

A recent study published in the Annals journal highlighted an increase in the number of individuals seeking emergency room care after using cannabis between 2012 and 2016. While the focus of the study was primarily on inhaled cannabis, THC edibles were also found to play a significant role. Some individuals who consumed THC edibles reported experiencing short-term psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety and psychosis. Additionally, heart problems were prevalent among edible consumers, with 8% of reported cases involving irregular heartbeat or even heart attacks. It is important to note, however, that this study only demonstrates a correlation rather than a strict causal relationship between THC edibles and adverse health conditions.

Study on THC Self-Administration in Mice

A recent study investigated the effects of THC edibles on the health of mice. For the experiment, a dough containing THC was prepared, consisting of flour, sugar, salt, and glycerol. The THC doses were individually proportioned for each mouse. The researchers assessed the impact of gradually increasing THC doses on the mice’s locomotor activity and body temperature.

The results demonstrated that the mice consistently consumed the THC-infused dough on multiple occasions across various doses. THC caused a dose-dependent decrease in locomotor activity that lasted for a few hours, irrespective of the mice’s gender. These effects were mitigated when a CB1 receptor antagonist was administered, indicating that THC binds to CB1 receptors in the brain.

Upon chronic consumption, THC led to a reduction in body temperature, with the effect being more pronounced in female mice. This study represents the first report of voluntary oral self-administration of THC in animal models. While this method of consumption resembles human edible THC use, it is important to note that results obtained from animal models may not perfectly reflect the outcomes in humans.

Challenges of Edible Cannabis Consumption

The consumption of cannabis edibles presents specific challenges for research due to associated risks. Factors related to the route of administration contribute to the potential for overdosing with edibles. Varied administration methods yield different outcomes, as evidenced by data from emergency departments and poison centers highlighting the varying risks of toxic effects. Edible cannabis products typically contain a higher percentage of THC, and the metabolic processes in the digestive system can produce elevated levels of pharmacologically active THC metabolites compared to smoking the products. These factors underscore the importance of understanding and addressing the unique challenges and risks associated with consuming cannabis through edibles.

One of the challenges with cannabis edibles is the significant variation in THC content across different products, making it difficult for users to accurately gauge the amount of THC they are consuming. This lack of consistency, combined with the delayed onset of effects, often leads to unintentional overdosing as individuals consume higher quantities of THC than intended. The failure to recognize the delayed effects of edible THC is a contributing factor to the increasing number of people seeking emergency medical care due to cannabis intoxication.

Furthermore, there is a concern regarding the packaging of cannabis edibles, as many of them resemble regular food products. This similarity increases the risk of unintentional consumption by unaware adults and children. This poses a significant safety issue and calls for increased awareness and responsible packaging practices to minimize the accidental ingestion of cannabis edibles.

In conclusion the consumption of edible cannabis has gained widespread popularity as an alternative to inhaling cannabis, particularly in legalized cannabis markets. However, significant questions remain regarding the safety and potential health effects associated with this practice. Further research is necessary to provide policymakers with valuable insights for establishing regulations regarding the sale and marketing of these products. Establishing a standardized dosage for cannabis is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and excessive consumption of cannabis edibles. Implementing quality control measures and standardized product formulations can help mitigate the risks associated with edible cannabis consumption.

Ethical concerns and the limited control over prior cannabis exposure pose major obstacles to conducting human research on the effects of cannabis. Studying the behavioral and physiological effects of THC edibles benefits from well-controlled animal models of cannabis administration. Nonetheless, additional research involving both animal models and human trials is necessary to fully understand the precise effects of edible cannabis and establish a dose-dependent relationship between consumption and its outcomes.

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