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How an Open-Minded General Practitioner Revitalized Senator Peter Whish-Wilson’s Well-being and Salvaged His Political Career with Medicinal Cannabis! Leave a comment

The Green Senator Peter Whish-Wilson went from enduring three years of intense pain, fatigue, brain fog, a gum and ear infection, and a daily battle, contemplating relinquishing his political career to preserve whatever energy remained for his family to a total lifestyle change for the better with Medicinal Cannabis.

Whish-Wilson expressed the fear of leading a life devoid of his former vitality, feeling like a mere shadow of himself. Despite exploring various medical treatments without success, a glimmer of hope emerged when a friend recommended alternative medicine. With the support of his open-minded general practitioner, he received valuable referrals to specialists. What followed was incredible!




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About the Author

Our deep love of plants and fascination with Cannabis has enabled over 25 years of successful small-scale Marijuana cultivation from indoor hydroponics, greenhouses and outdoor growing set-ups.

As Cannabis laws around the world change, *we support the movement toward freedom of choice for responsible, consenting adults who wish to experience the joy and wonder of growing a Cannabis plant.

*All info is for entertainment purposes only.  We do not condone illegal growing of Cannabis.   Consult your state laws accordingly. 

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