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Missouri Colleges Introduce Cannabis Courses to Equip Students for Legal Marijuana Careers Leave a comment

Karina Hernandez’s perfect workplace involves being surrounded by plants, with her hands immersed in the soil. Despite already holding a biology degree, she made the recent choice to return to school for horticulture classes at St. Louis Community College at Meramec, which happens to have the state’s largest horticulture program. What surprised her was finding courses related to hemp and cannabis cultivation among the offerings.

“I am sharing job opportunities constantly with the students, and the students are reporting back getting hired within the industry before even graduating the program.”


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About the Author

Our deep love of plants and fascination with Cannabis has enabled over 25 years of successful small-scale Marijuana cultivation from indoor hydroponics, greenhouses, and outdoor growing set-ups.

As Cannabis laws around the world change, *we support the movement toward freedom of choice for responsible, consenting adults who wish to experience the joy and wonder of growing a Cannabis plant.

*All info is for entertainment purposes only.  We do not condone illegal growing of Cannabis.   Consult your state laws accordingly. 

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