CBD oil is becoming an increasingly popular cannabis product, especially now it has been approved for the Australian market. But how exactly do you use it, and is it still a drug?
Australian Cannabis Cookbook Removed by Facebook and eBay
An author from New South Wales has had her cannabis cookbook taken down by Facebook and eBay, after she uploaded the Australian Cannabis Cookbook to the buying and selling sites.
CBD Oil Can Help with Your Beauty Sleep!
With low-dose CBD oil now starting to appear on the Australian market, you may be wondering what its benefits are. Read this article to find out how CBD oil can help with premature aging and sleep.
What Are the Effects of Cannabis on Your Body?
Cannabis, or marijuana has been increasingly entering the mainstream, with many countries worldwide using it for medicinal purposes. But what about if you want to smoke it for recreational purposes, what are the effects of cannabis then?
‘Stoner-cisers’ The Do’s and Don’ts of Exercising While High
Many users of cannabis are finding new and fun ways to experiment with its usages. One of those ways is using it while exercising, but there are some things you should know about it before you try it yourself.
What is the International Church of Cannabis?
Who wants to go to church and smoke cannabis?! Because you can, in Denver, Colorado. The International Church of Cannabis is a religious organisation which treats cannabis almost like a ritual.
Where is Cannabis Legal in the World?
With the slow rollout of cannabis being legalised for medicinal and recreational use in Australia, you may be wondering where else cannabis is legal in the world. Read on to find out!
CBD Oil for Pets? What, How and Why
With cannabis now legal in the Australia Capital Territory in small does, plus the gradual legalisation of medicinal cannabis, CBD oil is slowly making its way into the mainstream. But what exactly is it and why give it to your pet?
What are the Benefits of Using CBD Oil?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is an element of the cannabis plant. CBD is good for use in medical settings as it can help with a variety of ailments, without getting you high.
8 New Cannabis Products on the Market in 2021
As the cannabis market grows in the US and Canada in particular, the rise of new CBD products has been seen, with ever-new cannabis-infused products being created. Here are some new products to try.
Uber Seeking to Deliver Cannabis to Homes After Federal Legalisation
A joint delivered right to your door with your takeaway food? That’s exactly what Uber wants to do after legislation at the federal level. But it seems it may not be that easy, and if it does happen, will likely take some time.
11 CBD Myths Debunked by the Experts
There are many myths around cannabis in and particular, CBD ad it its effects and what it does. In this video, cannabis physician June Chin and biomedical researcher Chanda Macias dive into what CBD is really all about.
Can I Buy CBD Oil Legally in Australia?
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia have now down-scheduled CBD oil in low doses from Schedule 4 to Schedule 3. This means it may be available in pharmacies and without needing a doctor’s prescription.
Have you Heard of Rick Simpson Oil? This Article Explains
Rick Simpson oil was named after a medical marijuana activist, but what exactly is it, does it have any benefits and how much research has been done on its effects?. This article goes into more depth on the famous RSO.
Cannabis Trends Estimated for 2021
A team of analysts and consultants from Prohibition Partners’ international, speak about the growing trends within the cannabis industry and what that could mean for 2021. Here is a list of the top ten predicted trends.
What’s Actually the Difference Between Marijuana and Hemp?
There is a common confusion between what the real difference between marijuana, cannabis and hemp are, with many people using the phrases interchangeably. This post will explain the answers to your questions.
Is CBD Oil Legal in Australia and Where Can You Get it?
A guide to what CBD oils actually is, what it can help with and how you are get it within Australia. As CBD oil becomes more mainstream, should you be concerned about using it?
What is Clean Organic Cannabis and Why is it Important?
Cannabis is legal in 15 states in the US and as the industry grows, consumers are asking what exactly is in the products they are buying. This post takes you through the right questions to ask at your dispensary to ensure you get the best weed.
Hash Cake Mistaken for Traditional Cake at Funeral in Germany
A German funeral ended on a high after funeral-goers were accidentally given a cake made with marijuana. The mistake was discovered after attendees started feeling strange after eating what they thought was a traditional cake.
Can Using Cannabis Help You Sleep Better?
With many of us struggling with the stresses of everyday life, more people are reporting having difficulty sleeping. With the rise in cannabis legalisation, can this be the cure to help sleep deprived people get a better night’s kip?
24 Unique Ways You Can Consume Cannabis
There are numerous ways you can consume cannabis. This article explains 24 methods you can use the substance. For those of you looking for new and interesting ways to consume cannabis, read on!