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What is CBD?

CBD products have experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, mainly due to growing research on the potential benefits of this cannabinoid for both the body and mind. While CBD is FDA-approved as a prescription medication (Epidiolex) for treating two severe forms of childhood epilepsy, it is also commercially available in various forms, such as oils, capsules, topical creams, and infused foods and beverages. Many individuals purchase CBD products to alleviate inflammation, relieve pain, or reduce anxiety.

Unlike THC, which can lead to anxiety or psychosis-like symptoms, CBD is generally well-tolerated by most people and is considered safe by researchers who study it. However, experts caution that some commercially available CBD products may contain traces of THC or other contaminants, which could potentially trigger negative reactions in some individuals. Therefore, it’s important to exercise caution and choose CBD products from reputable sources to ensure their purity and quality.

How it differs from Marijuana

CBD is among the compounds present in marijuana, but it differs from the one responsible for the typical “high” associated with the drug, which is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Unlike THC, CBD does not possess psychoactive properties, meaning it does not alter your thinking or perception of the world. Instead, CBD is known to induce a sense of calm and promote a positive mood without any mind-altering effects.

Mental Illness in Australia

Roughly one out of every five Australians is projected to encounter a mental illness during their lifetime, while the majority of us will confront mental health challenges at some point. Mental well-being constitutes an integral aspect of overall health. Mental disorders encompass a range of types and degrees of severity. Prevalent among these are anxiety disorders, followed by mood conditions like depression.

Globally, mental illness stands out as a foremost contributor to poor health and impairment, ranking as the third primary cause of disability in Australia. The repercussions of mental illness extend to physical health as well. Individuals grappling with conditions such as depression face twice the mortality risk compared to the general population, and they experience elevated incidence rates of physical health complications like heart disease, asthma, hypertension, cancer, and stroke.

A study indicated that those with moderate to severe mental disorders, such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders, have an average life expectancy 10 to 20 years shorter than that of the general population. The adverse ramifications of mental illness accumulate significantly. Researchers estimate that depression alone incurs healthcare expenses and productivity losses exceeding $12.8 billion annually in Australia.

CBD for Therapy

The use of cannabis as medicine dates back to ancient times, with the first recorded therapeutic application around 2800 BC in Emperor Shen Nung’s China. In historical contexts, cannabis was utilized to treat conditions such as rheumatic pain, malaria, constipation, and reproductive disorders. It was also employed as an anesthetic during surgery and a tranquilizer in India to prevent convulsions in people with epilepsy and tetanus, as well as a topical antibiotic.

Over time, research into the therapeutic potential of cannabis has progressed significantly. Since the 1970s, experts have been particularly interested in exploring the benefits of CBD, which is the main non-psychoactive component of cannabis. Studies have shown that CBD can have various effects, such as reducing the risk of epileptic fits, alleviating nausea and vomiting, and possibly replicating the effects of pharmaceutical antidepressants and antipsychotics.


THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are two active compounds found in the cannabis plant. THC is the psychoactive component responsible for producing the “high” effect and has been associated with side effects like anxiety and psychosis. On the other hand, CBD is under research for its potential to reduce anxiety, psychosis, nausea, and seizures.

These two compounds exhibit distinct effects, emphasizing the importance of differentiating between the potential benefits of CBD and the more controversial use of THC, particularly when considering treatments for mental health conditions.

CBD Benefits

CBD interacts with the brain’s cannabinoid receptors, which are also naturally influenced by cannabinoids found in substances like cannabis. Moreover, the body produces these compounds to regulate essential functions like mood and sleep. Despite this knowledge, scientists have yet to fully comprehend the specific pathways through which CBD exerts its therapeutic effects.

In recent years, the popularity of commercial CBD has skyrocketed, with claims of being a remedy for a wide range of health issues. While some of these claims, like the notion of curing Alzheimer’s, have been proven to be false, there is growing evidence supporting the effectiveness of CBD for certain conditions such as anxiety, addiction, and epilepsy.

CBD for Mental Health

CBD has demonstrated promising potential as a treatment for various mental and physical ailments, including epilepsy, anxiety, opioid addiction, insomnia, schizophrenia, and chronic pain. However, experts caution that the evidence of its benefits remains highly preliminary. To establish its effects conclusively and determine appropriate dosing recommendations, further research is essential.

CBD For:


Insomnia is characterized by inadequate sleep quality even when appropriate time and environment for sleep are available. It’s unsurprising that a growing number of Australians are seeking medical assistance for sleep disorders. According to a study by the Sleep Health Foundation, 14.8% of Australians exhibit symptoms of insomnia. Insufficient sleep can lead to significant repercussions for both your physical well-being and mental health.

Throughout history, cannabis has been utilized as a sleep aid, effectively reducing the time needed to fall asleep and increasing overall sleep duration. CBD, in particular, has shown promise in helping individuals both initiate and maintain sleep. Furthermore, the compound’s ability to alleviate anxiety may serve as another pathway through which it can enhance sleep quality.

Want to learn more about CBD for Insomnia and what it could do for you? Click Here for an in-depth explanation and references on where and how to take CBD for your Insomnia. You can also watch the video below by Dr Jim explaining cannabis treatment for Insomnia. 


Research suggests that CBD has the potential to alleviate symptoms of anxiety, making it a possible treatment for conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. However, despite these promising findings, scientists have not yet fully comprehended the precise mechanisms by which CBD affects the brain to produce these beneficial effects.

How does it work?

Discovered in the early 1990s by researchers investigating the common cannabinoid THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a intricate cell-signaling network. This system remains active within your body, regardless of whether you use cannabis or not. It encompasses cannabinoid receptors dispersed throughout your body. The human brain boasts the highest concentration of cannabinoid receptors in the body. CBD influences the behavior of our brain cells by regulating the release of neurotransmitters, which are the body’s chemical messengers.

Additionally, CBD has the ability to stimulate non-cannabinoid receptors, including serotonin receptors. Depression and anxiety have been linked to low levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain. In some individuals, CBD might assist the brain in utilizing serotonin more efficiently, although this mechanism is not yet fully comprehended.

Want to learn more about CBD for Anxiety and what it could do for you? Click Here for an in-depth explanation and references on where to purchase and how to take CBD for your Anxiety.


A clinical trial involving individuals addicted to heroin who received daily CBD treatment showed promising results in reducing drug cravings. The beneficial effects were observed to persist for up to a week after the last dose of CBD. Additionally, CBD may aid in addiction treatment by alleviating anxiety and stress, providing further potential benefits for those struggling with addiction.

A study has discovered that cannabidiol (CBD) diminishes both drug cravings and anxiety among individuals in the process of recovering from heroin use disorder. Read full article Here.

Over the past decade, the United States has witnessed an unprecedented surge in opioid addiction, driven by the widespread utilization of heroin and prescription opioids. Unfortunately, the availability of effective treatments for heroin use disorders remains limited. In this particular investigation, researchers conducted a clinical trial to examine whether cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant, could alleviate drug cravings and anxiety among individuals who recently abstained from heroin use disorder. The results of the study demonstrated that individuals who were administered a dose of CBD medication exhibited diminished cravings for heroin and decreased anxiety levels compared to those who received a placebo. These effects were sustained for approximately one week following the administration of CBD medication.

Those who were administered the non-psychoactive CBD medication exhibited reduced cravings when exposed to drug cues in contrast to the group receiving a placebo. This impact persisted for at least a week following the CBD or placebo administration, with individuals who received a high dose of CBD (but not a low dose) continuing to experience diminished cravings compared to those on the placebo. Additionally, CBD led to a decrease in stress response measures subsequent to the drug cue, including reductions in heart rate and salivary cortisol levels. Individuals who received CBD also reported lower levels of anxiety after exposure to drug cues in comparison to those who received a placebo (although there were no significant anxiety differences between participants who received the low dose versus the high dose of CBD). CBD did not exhibit any influence on positive mood or cognitive measurements.


Preliminary research indicates that CBD shows promise as a potential treatment for schizophrenia in the future. Some small trials have revealed that CBD led to a reduction in psychotic symptoms, including hallucinations, and improved cognitive function in individuals with schizophrenia. However, another trial utilizing lower doses of CBD did not show significant differences in symptoms, emphasizing the need for further research to fully understand CBD’s potential in treating schizophrenia.

In a review conducted in 2021, the potential advantages of CBD in the context of early-stage schizophrenia are underscored. The researchers suggest that CBD might have the ability to modulate the levels of several brain chemicals linked to psychosis. As an illustration, CBD could potentially elevate anandamide levels in the brain, thereby potentially alleviating symptoms of psychosis.

In another recent comprehensive analysis, there is limited evidence indicating that CBD could potentially mitigate schizophrenia symptoms, particularly when administered at high dosages. The review highlights a 4-week trial involving an 800 milligram (mg) dose of CBD, which yielded results comparable to those of amisulpride—an antipsychotic medication—when it came to alleviating psychosis and enhancing cognitive functions.

In two separate 6-week trials involving individuals concurrently taking antipsychotic medications and CBD, the compound demonstrated no significant superiority over a placebo at a daily dosage of 600 mg. However, when administered at 1,000 mg, CBD exhibited a reduction in schizophrenia symptoms. It’s worth noting that this sample did not exclude individuals with recreational cannabis use or those struggling with cannabis addiction.

Read Full Article Here – https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/does-cbd-oil-help-schizophrenia#risks

Seizures and Epilepsy

The FDA has granted approval for CBD to be used in the treatment of severe forms of childhood epilepsy, specifically Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, under the medication name Epidiolex. This drug has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing seizures, often when used in conjunction with other anti-seizure medications, making it a valuable treatment option for affected individuals.

How does CBD counter Epileptic Seizures?

Conducted by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the recent study revealed that CBD has the ability to inhibit signals transmitted by a molecule known as lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI). This molecule is present in neurons within the brain and is believed to enhance nerve signals as a part of regular functioning. However, in certain disease conditions, it can be exploited to trigger seizures. CBD’s blocking action on LPI holds promise in managing such seizure-related processes.

The study, published online on February 13 in the journal Neuron, reaffirmed a prior discovery indicating that CBD effectively hinders the ability of LPI to magnify nerve signals in the hippocampus, a brain region. Interestingly, the latest findings also demonstrate that LPI diminishes signals that typically counteract seizures, providing further insight into the beneficial effects of CBD treatment in managing seizure-related conditions.

The research, published online in the journal Neuron on February 13, confirmed a previous observation showing that CBD effectively prevents LPI from amplifying nerve signals in the hippocampus, a region of the brain. Additionally, the recent findings revealed that LPI weakens signals that usually act against seizures, offering deeper understanding of how CBD treatment can be valuable in addressing conditions related to seizures.

Dr. Tsien, the director of NYU Langone’s Neuroscience Institute, stated that the study not only revealed how CBD effectively combats seizures but also shed light on the broader aspects of how brain circuits maintain balance. The findings have potential implications for conditions like autism and schizophrenia, which involve similar imbalances in brain circuits, making the research’s impact more far-reaching.

Want to Read More on how Cannabidiol (CBD) counters Epileptic Seizures? Click Here 

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CBD for Athletes

Why do runners seem to love CBD? 

CBD, while not causing a high, offers the advantageous elements found in marijuana. A study conducted in 2016 on rats with arthritis demonstrated a noteworthy reduction in joint swelling and pain levels. Remarkably, this was achieved without the accompanying side effects often associated with alternative medications – quite impressive!

It’s important to note that CBD differs from steroids in that it doesn’t function as a performance enhancer. Instead, its effectiveness lies in its ability to mitigate nervousness, potentially leading to improved performance. While this study provides valuable insights, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Multiple ongoing studies explore various applications of CBD, such as its potential to alleviate anxiety without inducing a high. This is a benefit frequently reported by regular users. Given the ongoing research efforts, it’s worth highlighting the reported advantages noted by both CBD brands and individuals who have incorporated it into their routines.

Advantages of CBD for Runners Among the most significant advantages lies in its capacity to enhance sleep quality – a veritable wonder drug for athletes. Numerous studies consistently underscore its ability to elevate performance across a spectrum ranging from speed to endurance. CBD has the potential to facilitate smoother and prolonged sleep, aiding in both quicker sleep onset and increased sleep duration.

This benefit is intertwined with the diverse mechanisms through which CBD operates:

  • natural pain relief
  • reduction of muscle aches and soreness
  • reduced anxiety
  • potential to reduce inflammation of Type 1 diabetes
  • acne reduction
  • promotes heart health
  • promotes bone growth (healing stress fractures!)

What Led to the Surge in Popularity of CBD Among Athletes?

This is a captivating query as the rise of CBD in the athletic sphere appears to have gained substantial traction in a short span. Several factors contribute to this trend:

  1. Success serves as a catalyst for further market entry, with projections of the industry exceeding 1 billion by 2020.

  2. Evolving regulations are simplifying the sale of CBD products, aided by its non-banned status as a substance.

  3. Increasingly comprehensive research is shedding light on its multifaceted applications.

  4. The shift in legal frameworks is fostering greater public confidence in these offerings.

  5. CBD stands out as a non-addictive pain relief alternative, addressing concerns associated with other pre-workout options.


What are the Limitations of CBD Oil? Although generally regarded as safe, CBD may lead to undesirable effects such as diarrhea, fluctuations in appetite and weight, and fatigue in certain individuals.

Additional side effects, such as atypical results in liver function tests, drowsiness, sedation, and instances of pneumonia, have been documented in studies related to childhood epilepsy.

It’s worth noting that these effects could potentially arise due to CBD’s interaction with other medications, notably clobazam, as it has the potential to interact with various drugs. Consulting a qualified healthcare professional regarding appropriate dosage and potential side effect risks is highly recommended.

The market is rife with subpar CBD products, underscoring the importance of selecting items that have undergone third-party quality and purity assessments.

Brands like NuLeaf Naturals and exemplify the commitment to quality by subjecting their CBD products to testing by reputable third-party laboratories. These brands also make batch reports readily available on their websites, ensuring transparency and product integrity.


CBD oil holds promise in alleviating symptoms associated with anxiety, neurological disorders, heart-related concerns, specific pain types, and various other health conditions.

However, while certain research findings exist, a more comprehensive body of evidence is needed to establish definitive conclusions. Ongoing studies continue to explore its potential applications.

Considering that the full scope of CBD’s potential benefits is not yet fully elucidated, it is advisable to consult with a certified healthcare expert prior to considering its use.

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About the Author

Our deep love of plants and fascination with Cannabis has enabled over 25 years of successful small scale Marijuana cultivation from indoor hydroponics, greenhouses and outdoor growing set-ups.

As Cannabis laws around the world change, *we support the movement toward freedom of choice for responsible, consenting adults who wish to experience the joy and wonder of growing a Cannabis plant.

*All info is for entertainment purposes only.  We do not condone illegal growing of Cannabis.   Consult your state laws accordingly. 

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